Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Laser Etched Recycled Circuit Board Clock

If you are seeking Laser Etched Recycled Circuit Board Clock pictures, reviews or photos we have them here for you to use. mainly collect the high-level quality Laser Etched Recycled Circuit Board Clock pictures, features or reviews for our users to use. Our staff and users daily bring new electronic or funny gadgets reviews.


We have seen a few of these recycled clocks here on geeky gadgets, made from various recycled parts form old PCs and Macs, this one is definitely one of the cooler ones.

The Laser Etched Recycled Circuit Board Clock is made from a recycled circuit board, and it features a clock face with no numbers, instead they have been replaced by a variety of schematic and logic symbols.

This is bound to look great on any geeks desk, it measures 7 3/4 inches tall by 5 1/2 inches wide and features a quartz clock, if you want one it is available for $29.99 from Geek Gear.

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